
Easy Mantra Meditation Techniques

mantras, meditation, busy moms

Meditation may be a challenge for most moms to do as a habit. But it is not as difficult as some may think. There are several easy meditation techniques that any mom can follow toward attaining a deeper sense of relaxation, which is much needed for us moms on a daily basis. Meditation is an effective weapon against mommy stress brought about by the challenges of raising little humans. Mom, you know you should try it out and here are the simple steps that you can follow that will help you start to meditate.


Steps to an Easy Mantra Meditation Practice

One of the first things is finding a place where you can sit comfortably. It should also be someplace where you can have few distractions as possible. Distractions should be minimized when you are meditating since they can keep you from developing your focus and concentration and keep your mind away from your practice. This can be difficult with kids demanding your attention (see how to Time & Space to Meditate for Busy Moms ).

Once you get the hang of meditating by keeping the distractions away, you can do your meditation anywhere, even while the kids are playing, the food in baking or the closes are drying.


After you have a place where you can do your meditation in comfort, you now need to choose a mantra. It can be any word that can help you feel relaxed and calm. Try to go with words for your mantra that really speaks to who you are or who you desire to be more of. It can even be your own name as long as it helps you feel positive and be aware of your meditation.


Once you are comfortable and have chosen a mantra, close your eyes and start repeating the mantra to yourself. Let the mantra do what it wishes. If you feel the urge to repeat your mantra slowly, fast, quiet or loud, then do so. Try not to let outside thoughts disturb you while you are doing this.

Ignore the distractions by focusing on repeating your mantra.


As you repeat the mantra, you might get distracted but just become more aware of what you are saying and focus on it. Learn also to remain relaxed and calm as you do this. In time you might sometimes find yourself going off on a daydream and you have stopped repeating your mantra. Just try to refocus and continue on with your meditation before you wander off any further.

The more often you catch yourself and get back on track, the more your practice will improve.


The key to this simple meditation is trying not to let distractions overtake you when you are meditating. It can be a bit difficult to do first, but you practice will develop over time and it will help you develop your focus as well as your awareness.  After some time, stop repeating your mantra and remain quiet while you are still sitting comfortably. Do this for a few of minutes before ending your practice. Avoid getting up immediately after your meditation. It would be similar to jumping up just after having a deep sleep. It would cause a lot of stress in itself.


mantra, meditation, busy moms


The other key to effectively make use of such an easy meditation techniques is to make it a habit. Try to allow some free time in your busy mommy schedule for your meditation. Making meditation a habit will improve your ability to keep distractions out when you are practicing this form of self-care. This meditation technique can be done in as little as ten minutes. It is not such a long time to spend on something that can provide you with a lot of benefits especially when it comes to battling everyday mom stress.


Much Love, CharmaineW.

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